February 3, 2011

Snowstorm 2011

Somewhat unexpectedly, this week that has been thrown all off balance thanks to the giant storm that visited 2/3 of the continental US has been unequivocally my most productive week of 2011.

Things that I have done:

cleaned my countertops - they were full of piles of papers and assorted objects
cleaned my bookshelves - same thing, really
played darts; set up excel file to track my darts playing
refined my 2011 budget tracking files
made a winter squash sou
cleaned the bathroom
cleaned my car
cleaned my car. This was such an impressive task that it deserves to be mentioned twice.
went 1-0 in Yahoo Dominoes. To be fair, that is happening tonight. Definitely post-productivity phase.
painted some pieces to hang in the apartment.
composed/sent some emails that really had to be done
went 1-0 in Dominion vs. Calli. That game is awesome; one of my favorite Christmas gifts. This game was our first using different arrangements of cards than the "first game" set suggested by the game. I enjoyed the new experience. Also, I enjoyed winning.
Paid several bills. Way ahead of time.
Began to look at ideas for groomsmen gifts. I am still surprised (I don't know why) at how many lame ideas the internet provides.

That is a LOT of stuff done, especially when you consider the person doing said stuff is traditionally not one to get a bunch of stuff done when confronted with free time. Until proven otherwise, let us consider this a leaf turned.